With the generous support of the Friends of ERA Association, ERA provides scholarships to lawyers, judges, prosecutors and officials from EU member states, candidate countries and potential candidates who would otherwise be unable to afford to attend the events organised by ERA.
The scholarship may cover one or all of the following
- the participation fees
- a contribution towards travelling expenses
- accommodation during the event
For scholarships granted for an ERA event in Trier, accommodation arrangements will be made directly by ERA.
Information on how to travel to Trier can be found here.
Important notes
- The target group for the scholarships is lawyers, judges, prosecutors, officials and other practitioners of law. Other professional groups, such as academics, will not normally be awarded a scholarship.
- Scholarships do not apply to language courses.
- Scholarships are only granted for one event and candidates who have already received a scholarship will not normally be re-awarded a grant.
- Applicants should not register for an event before obtaining a decision on their scholarship application.
- Successful applicants will be asked to write a report on how they made use of the scholarship in their work.
Closing date for applications
- 2 months prior to the event (for face-to-face events)
- 1 month prior to the event (for online events)