Ivan Petrov
Trainee in a state internship similar to the ‘refendariat’ in Germany
Sofia, Bulgaria
Scholarship: Summer Course on Cross-Border Civil Litigation (119B03)
Trier, 24 June – 28 June 2019
“…the course took me one step closer to the realization of my professional dreams and aspirations. I am very grateful to ERA and especially to the Friends of ERA initiative which made this experience possible for me.” 08/07/2019 |
- Q & A with Ivan Petrov
What is your legal background, your current occupation and country of work?
Having recently graduated from University St. Kliment Ohridski in Sofia, I am currently interning in a law firm as assistant to an attorney who specialises in civil litigation.
How do you use European law in your current work?
I have a genuine motivation to become successful attorney in Bulgaria and apply all cross-border regulations. Under the provisions of the EU Internal Market the economic relations between undertakings from different EU member states have intensified tremendously in the recent years. This itself demands a corresponding legal service which is capable to help the undertakings and represent adequately their interests. This is today impossible without applying the provisions of the EU which are going to be discussed at this event. Hence, I would like to attend it. Moreover, during the discussions and workshops I would like personally to contribute to your academic community.
What was your motivation for attending this particular event?
The EU Law is very important for every attorney who is active in the Civil Law matters. The topics in the seminar are of high relevance to the everyday work of almost every civil lawyer in the EU. That is why I think that this course is going to contribute significantly for my personal and professional development.
How did you benefit from the scholarship?
The course on cross-border civil litigation turned out to be highly beneficial to me. I had studied private international law at university, but it was during ERA’s course that I first got to work with and apply Regulations such as Brussels I or Rome I and II. During the course I improved my understanding of different practical aspects of private international law, including the procedure of freezing bank accounts across Europe, or the small claims procedure regulation.
In the future, I hope to become a lawyer and assist clients with cross-border commercial cases. In that regard the Summer Course took me one step closer to the realization of my professional dreams and aspirations. I am very grateful to ERA and especially to the Friends of ERA Initiative which made this experience possible for me.