Paweł Bednarski
Lecturer at State University of Applied Sciences
Elbląg, Poland
Scholarship: Summer Course on the Rule of Law in the European Union (419B14)
Trier, 24 June – 28 June 2019
“I lecture future public officials on legal theory, and EU and International Law. The scholarship programme has given me the opportunity to learn from the best experts and it will help me to prepare future officials for the effective implementation of EU law and values in my home country.” 28/06/2019 |
- Q & A with Paweł Bednarski
What is your legal background, your current occupation and country of work?
I work as an academic at university in Poland. I also work pro bono with people whose human rights was violated.
How do you use European law in your current work?
I lecture future public officials on legal theory, and EU and International Law.
What was your motivation for attending this particular event?
It helped me to gain practical knowledge about the rule of law in the European Union and activities of European Court of Justice, so that I will be able to pass this knowledge not only to my students but also to people whom I support in the court.
How did you benefit from the scholarship?
Attending the Summer Course on the Rule of Law in the European Union was an amazing experience. It helped me to improve my understanding of the most basic foundations of the law. The level of all debates was consistently very high. Following up on the lecturers’ ideas and taking part in the discussions was quite demanding but also truly worthwhile. The topics chosen by the organisers of this prestigious event allowed for comprehensive coverage of the issue. The opportunity to visit the CJEU and to exchange ideas with other participants were a great added value.
The scholarship programme has given me the opportunity to learn from the best experts and it will help me to prepare future officials for the effective implementation of EU law and values in my country.