Training materials
The training materials consist of concise texts suitable for training purposes, PowerPoint presentations as well as case studies (with possible solutions) and further interactive exercises (e.g. role plays) for use during practical workshops. The following areas related to the rights of the child have been covered:
Session 1:
General principles and basic instruments on protecting child’s rights in the international and European context in justice settings
- General introduction
Introduction to child rights
- Child rights in the context of child-friendly justice
- The actors involved in child-friendly justice and achieving a multi-disciplinary approach
- Conclusions and beginning of group discussion
- Key EU law resources available to support its implementation and application: an introduction
Child rights at EU level
- In what areas does EU play a role which affects children?
- What types of action may the EU take?
- Some illustrations of practical measures in the area of child-friendly justice
- Types of EU legislative provisions relevant to child-friendly justice
- Recent jurisprudence
- Key tools
- Conclusions and beginning of discussion Workshop materials
- Case scenario
- Supporting notes for moderators
Session 2:
Ensuring effective participation: the right to be heard
- Conceptual background to Art. 12 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989 (CRC)
- Why listen to children?
- Nature and scope of Art. 12 CRC
Art. 12 CRC in practice
- Family law proceedings
- Criminal law proceedings
- Administrative proceedings
- Common barriers to participation in practice
- Sharing experiences about how to implement Art. 12 CRC in practice Workshop materials
Case study I: Family law proceedings
- Case scenario
- Solution
Case study II: Administrative proceedings
- Case scenario
- Solution
Session 3:
Best practice guidelines for interacting with children in legal situations
The Council of Europe (CoE) guidelines on child-friendly justice: an introduction
- What is at stake?
- The child-friendly justice guidelines
- Fundamental principles and main content
- Scheme of the guidelines
- Case law and good practices
Organisation of the proceedings: child-friendly environment and child-friendly language
- Case law and good practices
Evidence / statements by children
- Case law and good practices
- What did children and young people say?
- Discussion Best practices in communicating with children in legal proceedings
- How to work and communicate with children? Suggestions and caveats
- Background material and inspiring practices Workshop materials
- Case discussions
- Role-play scenarios
These training materials have been produced with the financial support of the specific programme ‘Fundamental Rights and Citizenship‘ JUST-2013-FRAC-AG of the European Commission. The contents of these materials are the sole responsibility of ERA and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Commission.
Seminar materials in English (EN)
Seminar in Vilnius, 16-17 September 2015 (115DT100)
Speakers’ contributions-
Rebecca O’Donnell:
General Principles & basic instruments on protecting child rights in justice settings in the international and European context
Workshop I: Case study on trafficked child: the interplay of criminal and child protection laws -
Aisling Parkes:
Ensuring Effective Participation: The Child’s Right to be Heard
Workshop II
Ensuring Effective Participation, Part 2: Involvement of the Child in
Legal Proceedings
Workshop III -
Ankie Vandekerckhove:
Best practice guidelines for interacting with children in legal situations
Rebecca O’Donnell:
Seminar in Bucharest, 7-8 December 2015 (115DT101)
Speakers’ contributions & workshop materials-
Simona Franguloiu:
Child-friendly justice: an introduction based on scenarios of children participating in judicial proceedings
Guide to interviewing minors -
Helen Stalford:
Furthering the best interests of the child in European law
Workshop I: Case study on trafficked child-the interplay of criminal and child protection laws -
Aisling Parkes:
Ensuring Effective Participation: The Children´s Right to be Heard
Workshop II: case studies on the child´s direct and indirect participation in legal proceedings -
Ankie Vandekerckhove:
Best practice guidelines for interacting with children in legal situations
Workshop III: Role-playing exercises and cases on interacting with children in different legal situations -
Simona Maria Vladica:
Best practices in communicating with children in legal proceedings
Simona Franguloiu:
Seminar in Zagreb. 19-20 November 2015 (115DT102)
Speakers’ contributions & workshop materials-
Lana Petö Kujundžic:
The difference between legislation and reality in judicial proceedings concerning crimes against children
Juvenile law Juveniles -
Rebecca O´Donnell:
General Principles & Basic Instruments on Protecting Child Rights in Justice Settings in the International & European Context
Workshop I -
Aisling Parkes:
Ensuring Effective Participation: The Children’s Right to be Heard
Workshop II -
Ankie Vandekerckhove:
Best practice guidelines for interacting with children in legal situations
Workshop Material III -
Gordana Buljan Flander:
Best practices in communicating with children in legal proceedings
Lana Petö Kujundžic:
Seminar in Dublin, 11-12 February 2016 (116DT08)
Speakers’ contributions & workshop materials-
Wouter Vandenhole:
Child-Friendly Justice: an Introduction based on scenarios of children participating in judicial proceedings -
Rebecca O´Donnell:
Furthering ‘the best interest of the child’ in European law
Workshop I -
Aisling Parkes:
The right to be heard: a general principle of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) -
Aisling Parkes & Sarah-Jane Judge:
Workshop II -
Ankie Vandekerckhove:
The Council of Europe Guidelines on child-friendly justice
Workshop III -
Domagoj Stimac:
Best practices in communicating with children in legal proceedings
Wouter Vandenhole:
Seminar in Krakow, 5-6 May 2016 (416DT10)
Speakers’ contributions & workshop materials-
Dariusz Mazur:
Child-friendly justice: an introduction based on scenarios of children participating in judicial proceedings -
Simona Florescu:
Furthering ‘the best interest of the child’ in European law
Workshop I -
Aisling Parkes:
The right to be heard: a general principle of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) -
Aisling Parkes & Sylwia Jastrzemska:
Workshop II -
Ankie Vandekerckhove:
The Council of Europe Guidelines on child-friendly justice
Workshop III -
Teresa Jaskiewicz-Obydzinska:
Best practices in communicating with children in legal proceedings
Dariusz Mazur:
Seminar in Barcelona, 2-3 June 2016 (416DT11)
Speakers’ contributions & workshop materials-
Jorge Jiménez Martin:
Child-friendly justice: an introduction based on scenarios of children participating in judicial proceedings
Workshop materials -
Aida Grgic:
Furthering ‘the best interest of the child’ in European law
Workshop materials -
Aisling Parkes:
The right to be heard: a general principle of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC)
Workshop materials -
María Dolores Viñas Maestre:
Workshop materials -
Ankie Vandekerckhove:
The Council of Europe Guidelines on child-friendly justice
Workshop materials -
María Ribas Siñol & Noemí del Prado Sánchez:
Best practices in communicating with children in legal proceedings
Workshop materials
Jorge Jiménez Martin:
Seminar materials in Croatian (HR)
Zagreb, 19.–20. studenoga 2015. (115DT102)
Prilozi predavaca-
Lana Peto Kujundžic:
Razlika izmedu propisa i stvarnosti u sudovanju u kaznenim djelima na štetu djece
Maloljetnicko pravo -
Rebecca O’Donnell:
Opca Nacala I Osnovni Instrumentiza Zaštitu Prava Djece U Sudbenim Okruženjimau U Medunarodnomi I Eurooskom Kontekstu
I. radionica. Analiza slucaja djeteta žrtve trgovanja ljudima: uzajamno djelovanje kaznenih zakona i zakona za zaštitu djeteta -
Aisling Parkes:
Pravo na saslušanje: opce nacelo Konvencije Ujedinjenih naroda o pravima djeteta (KPD)
II. Radionica: Analize slucajevas djetetom kao posrednim ili neposrednim sudionikom u sudskim postupcima -
Ankie Vandekerckhove:
Smjernice Vijeca Europe za pravosude prilagodeno djeci
III. Radionica: Vježbe igranja uloga i primjeri interakcijes djecom u razlicitim slucajevima -
Gordana Buljan Flander:
Najbolje prakse komuniciranja s djecom u sudskim postupcima
Lana Peto Kujundžic:
Seminar materials in French (FR)
Paris, 3-4 mars 2016 (416DT09)
Contributions des intervenants-
Sylvain Barbier Sainte-Marie :
Une justice adaptée aux enfants : introduction sur la base d’exemples d’implications d’enfants dans des procédures judiciaires
Article : La traite des êtres humains et la délinquance des mineurs de l’Europe de l’Est : l’exemple parisien -
Jacques Fierens :
La protection de « l’intérêt supérieur de l’enfant » dans le droit européen -
Sylvain Barbier Sainte-Marie & Jacques Fierens :
Atelier I -
Jean-Pierre Rosenczveig :
Le droit de l’enfant d’être entendu : un principe de base de la Convention des Nations Unies relative aux droits de l’enfant (CNUDE)
Atelier II -
Ankie Vandekerckhove :
Lignes directrices du Conseil de l’Europe sur une justice adaptée aux enfants
Atelier III -
Sonia Benbelaid-Cazenave :
Bonnes pratiques sur la communication avec les enfants dans une procédure judiciaire
Sylvain Barbier Sainte-Marie :
Seminar materials in German (DE)
Trier, 14.-15. November 2016 (416DT12)
Referentenbeiträge und Workshop Materialien-
Helmut Sax:
Kindgerechte Justiz: eine Einführung zu Grundlagen, Anwendungsformen und praxisrelevanten Ansätzen
Workshop I: Fallstudie zu einem Opfer des Kinderhandels: das Zusammenspiel von Strafrecht und Kinderschutzgesetzen -
Astrid Podsiadlowski:
Kindgerechte Justiz: Förderung der Teilhabe von Kindern im europäischen Recht und ihre Umsetzung
Sichtweise von Kindern vs. Sichtweise von Fachkräften -
Eberhard Carl:
Gewährleistung einer wirksamen Beteiligung von Kindern: Das Recht der Kinder, gehört zu werden
Leitlinien des UN-Ausschusses für die Rechte des Kindes
Wichtige Fragen, die für Kinder und Jugendliche bei Trennung und Scheidung der Eltern regelungsbedürftig sein können
Checkliste Kindesanhörung
Einladungsbrief für ein jüngeres Kind (ab etwa 6 Jahre) bei einem Streit um das Sorge-und Aufenthaltsbestimmungsrecht oder das Umgangsrecht
Workshop II: Fallstudie zur Beteiligung des Kindes am Gerichtsverfahren
Mittelbare und unmittelbare Beteiligung des Kindes am Gerichtsverfahren
Rechtsquellen zum Recht der Kinder, gehört zu werden -
Sabine Brieger:
Leitlinien zu bewährten Verfahren für die Interaktion mit Kindern in rechtlichen Situationen
Workshop III : Interaktion mit Kindern in unterschiedlichen rechtlichen Situationen -
Renate Volbert:
Bewährte Verfahren in der Kommunikation mit Kindern in Gerichtsverfahren
Helmut Sax:
Seminar materials in Lithuanian (LT)
Vilnius, 2015 m. rugsejo 16-17 d. (115DT100)
Pranešeju medžiaga-
Rebecca O’Donnell:
I seminaras: Vaiku, kurie yra prekybos žmonemis aukos, atveju analize: baudžiamuju istatymu ir vaiku apsaugos istatymu saveika -
Aisling Parkes:
I dalis: Vaiko teisiu konvencijos 12 straipsnis VEIKSMINGO DALYVAVIMO UŽTIKRINIMAS: vaiko teise buti išklausytam
II seminaras: Vaiko teise buti išklausytam civilinese bylose
Veiksmingo dalyvavimo užtikrinimas: 2 dalis Vaiko dalyvavimas teisminiame procese
III seminaras: Diskusija apie tiesiogini ir netiesiogini vaiku atstovavima teismo procesuose -
Ankie Vandekerckhove:
Gerosios praktikos gaires del bendravimo su vaikais teisinese situacijose -
Aušra Augaitiene:
Teismo psichologo vaidmuo ir funkcijos Lietuvos teismuose
Rebecca O’Donnell:
Seminar materials in Polish (PL)
Kraków, 5-6 maja 2016 r. (416DT10)
Teksty wykladów-
Dariusz Mazur:
Wymiar sprawiedliwosci przyjazny dzieciom: uczestnictwo dzieci w postepowaniu sadowym
Warsztaty I -
Simona Florescu:
Troska o „dobro dziecka” w prawie europejskim -
Aisling Parkes:
Prawo dziecka do bycia wysluchanym: ogólna zasada wynikajaca z Konwencji ONZ o prawach dziecka (CRC) -
Sylwia Jastrzemska:
Warsztaty II: Witam wszystkich uczestników konferencji -
Ankie Vandekerckhove:
Wytyczne Komitetu Ministrów Rady Europy w sprawie wymiaru sprawiedliwosci przyjaznego dzieciom -
Teresa Jaskiewicz-Obydzinska:
Najlepsze praktyki z zakresu komunikowania sie z dziecmi w postepowaniu sadowym
Warsztaty III
Dariusz Mazur:
Seminar materials in Spanish (ES)
Barcelona, 2-3 de junio de 2016 (416DT11)
Contribuciones de los ponentes y materiales de los talleres-
Jorge Jiménez Martin:
Justicia adaptada a la infancia: introducción basada en casos de menores que participan en procedimientos judiciales
Taller -
Aida Grgic:
Promoción del “interés superior del menor” en el derecho europeo
Taller -
Aisling Parkes:
El derecho a ser escuchado: un principio general de la Convención de las NN.UU. sobre los Derechos del Niño (CDN)
Taller -
María Dolores Viñas Maestre:
Taller -
Ankie Vandekerckhove:
Directrices del Consejo de Europa sobre una justicia adaptada a los menores
Taller -
María Ribas Siñol & Noemí del Prado Sánchez:
Buenas prácticas para comunicar con niños en procedimientos legales
Jorge Jiménez Martin:
Kindgerechte Justiz: Förderung der Teilhabe von Kindern im europäischen Recht und ihre Umsetzung
Astrid Podsiadlowski -
Kindgerechte Justiz: eine Einführung zu Grundlagen, Anwendungsformen und praxisrelevanten Ansätzen
Helmut Sax -
Child-friendly justice: an introduction based on scenarios of children participating in judicial proceedings (ES)
Jorge Jiménez Martin -
Best practices in communicating with children in legal proceedings (PL)
Teresa Jaskiewicz-Obydzinska -
Child-friendly justice: an introduction based on scenarios of children participating in judicial proceedings (PL)
Dariusz Mazur -
La protection de « l’intérêt supérieur de l’enfant » dans le droit européen
Jacques Fierens -
Ensuring effective participation: the children’s right to be heard
Dr Aisling Parkes -
Best practice guidelines for interacting with children in legal situations
Ankie Vandekerckhove
Videos raising awareness and promoting child-friendly justice are included in this section. More videos will be added as the project progresses.
Videos about FRA work on rights of the child:
Children and justice: your rights
Also available in:
BG -
DE -
ES -
ET -
FR -
HR -
PL -
Children and justice: your right to be heard
Also available in:
BG -
DE -
ES -
ET -
FR -
HR -
PL -
Children and justice: your right to protection and legal representation
Also available in:
BG -
DE -
ES -
ET -
FR -
HR -
PL -
Children and justice: your right to information
Also available in:
BG -
DE -
ES -
ET -
FR -
HR -
PL -
Children and justice: professionals' perspective and experiences
Violence against children with disabilities
Source: European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights / YouTube
Watch Council of Europe video '“Keep me safe” from sexual violence':
Source: Council of Europe /YouTube