- Case studies on cross-border mediation in civil and commercial cases
- Case studies on cross-border mediation in family cases
- Linguistic manuals
Set of case studies on cross-border mediation in civil and commercial cases developed by Professor Brian Hutchinson. The materials cover the following cases:
i) international sales and distribution contract dispute,
ii) workplace/employment dispute and
iii) cross-border consumer dispute.
They include the case scenarios, role-play instructions, necessary background documentation and methodological advice. The case studies do not contain any solutions as this would not be suitable for mediation training.
Brian Hutchinson: Case Studies on Cross-Border Mediation in Civil and Commercial Cases
Materials on cross-border mediation in family cases developed by Christoph C. Paul and Ischtar Khalaf-Newsome. The materials deal with a cross-border child abduction case. They include the relevant legal framework, the case scenario, role-play guidelines as well as some instructions for trainers. The case study does not contain any solution as this would not be suitable for mediation training.
Christoph C. Paul and Ischtar Khalaf-Newsome: Materials on Cross-Border Mediation in Family Cases
Linguistic manuals developed by Prof Eva Samaniego Fernández, including language exercises on legal terminology.
Prof Eva Samaniego Fernández: English for Mediation in Cross-Border Civil and Commercial Matters
Prof Eva Samaniego Fernández: English for Mediation in Cross-Border Family Matters
Latest update: July 2019
Co-funded by the European Union’s Justice Programme (2014-2020)