The e-presentation details sports corruption and gives insights into the different typologies. It highlights two applicable norms that can be used by countries and private sports organisations to prevent, detect, and sanction sports corruption. Finally, it addresses the significant role and protection of whistleblowers in sports.
e-Presentation | February 2024 | Learning time: 43 minutes
e-Presentation by Pim Verschuuren, Senior Lecturer, Rennes 2 University; Associate Research Fellow, French Institute for International and Strategic Affairs (IRIS), Paris.
The e-presentation gives insights into the topic of the manipulation of sports competitions. It explains the beginnings and the development of the concept by law, as well as its constituent elements. Finally, different measures to tackle manipulation in competitions and sports corruption are presented.
e-Presentation | February 2024 | Learning time: 31 minutes
e-Presentation by Jean-Yves Lourgouilloux, Deputy Public Prosecutor, Head of the Economic and Financial Public Action Division, Marseilles Magistrates Court; President, Network of Magistrates / Prosecutors Responsible for Sports (MARS), Council of Europe, Strasbourg.
The e-presentation details corruption in sports and the challenges brought by technology and betting. It highlights the different aspects of the standard of proof and points out the different requirements. Disciplinary cases before the Court of Arbitration for Sports, both in Lausanne and in Lisbon, are addressed and showcased.
e-Presentation | February 2024 | Learning time: 45 minutes
e-Presentation by João Lima Cluny, Partner, Head of Criminal Law, Misdemeanours and Compliance Practice, Garrigues, Lisbon; Arbitrator and Mediator, Portuguese Court of Arbitration for Sport.