Weekly outline

  • Introduction to EU Anti-discrimination Law

    Landing page Introduction to EU Anti-discrimination LawWelcome to the e-learning course on European Union (EU) anti-discrimination law. The course has been developed to provide an introduction to the key concepts, developments and relevant case law concerning EU anti-discrimination law. It is intended to be interactive by using video presentations, examples from real cases and quizzes to test your knowledge. It is intended to complement the detailed seminars run by the Academy of European Law on anti-discrimination law, which provide more indepth analysis of the issues.

    The course comprises seven modules on the main topics relating to EU anti-discrimination law. Each module includes lessons which consist of written analysis and commentary, as well as videos from speakers that highlight some of the key issues concerning the topic. Where appropriate the modules contain links to relevant legislation, cases, and websites.

    Each module also contains a quiz on the issues raised by the topics. You can choose to take the quiz after studying the materials to assess what you have learnt, or in advance to assess your preliminary knowledge and help decide on which parts of the course you want to focus your attention. You are free to decide which parts of the course you study and how you go through the materials. There is no compulsory order, although you are more likely to understand all the topics by completing modules one and two first.

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