The Friends of ERA Association awards prizes to the winners of ERA’s Young European Lawyers Contest 2023

For a third year in a row the Friends of ERA Association provided prizes for the winning teams of the Young European Lawyers Contest which ERA organised for the fifth time in 2023.

After a preliminary series of three semi-finals in Brussels, Paris and Vilnius, six remaining teams made it to the grand final which took place in Trier and Luxembourg from 6 to 8 November 2023. The highlight of this final was a moot court session before the General Court of the European Union in Luxembourg where the two best teams represented two disputing parties – a private company as applicant and the European Commission as defendant – in an action for annulment aimed at the Commission’s decision authorising State aid in favour of a competitor of the applicant. The Court consisted of Judges Petra Škvařilová-Pelzl (chair), Rimvydas Norkus and William Vassilidis, supported by “auxiliary judges” Vanessa Knapp OBE, Vasilis Christianos and Pierre-Dominique Schupp (CCBE).

The Court appreciated the enthusiasm and the high quality of both teams’ presentations and declared Team 5 representing the Commission the winner of the contest. The Friends of ERA prizes were subsequently handed over by Dr Wolfgang Heusel, Member of the Board of the Friends of ERA Association and former Director of the Academy.
Daniela Demean, Vienna (Austria), Michael-John Gillen, Dublin (Ireland), Montserrat González Martinéz, Barcelona (Spain), Laure Verheyen, Antwerp (Belgium)
The First prize of €2000 was awarded to Team 5 consisting of

Daniela Demean, Vienna (Austria)
Michael-John Gillen, Dublin (Ireland)
Montserrat González Martinéz, Barcelona (Spain)
Laure Verheyen, Antwerp (Belgium)



Silvia Eliašová, Bratislava (Slovakia), Lyvia Fortuna, Lisbon (Portugal), Pierre-Louis Roquet, Versailles (France), Michaela Scharpf, Augsburg (Germany)The Second prize of €1,000 was awarded to Team 6 consisting of

Silvia Eliašová, Bratislava (Slovakia)
Lyvia Fortuna, Lisbon (Portugal)
Pierre-Louis Roquet, Versailles (France)
Michaela Scharpf, Augsburg (Germany)

The contest was supported by top-level lawyers and judges who served as jurors, sharing their expertise and specialisation with the young lawyers.

In April and May 2024, three semi-finals of the sixth Young European Lawyers Contest will be organised in Trier, Strasbourg and Bucharest. The final will then again take place in Trier and Luxembourg from 14 to 16 October 2024. Applicants are encouraged to apply and take part at this renowned contest. For more information, please visit the website here.

Once again, our most sincere congratulations to the winners!

The Friends of ERA awarded prizes to the winners of the Young European Lawyers Contest 2022

From 10 to 12 October 2022, ERA organised the final of the Young European Lawyers Contest in Trier and Luxembourg. This contest brought together newly qualified lawyers from European countries to highlight the importance of European law for their future legal practice and to put their legal skills to the test in a dynamic environment.

The origins of the project go back to the Young Lawyers Contest that ERA and CCBE organised as a trial run in September 2018. The success of this smaller scale project convinced the European Commission to provide financing for the organisation of two more contests in 2020 and 2021. In the framework of the Justice programme 2021-2024, ERA has received new funding from the European Commission to organise larger scale contests composed of semi-finals in different cities and a final in Trier. Whereas individual applications are possible, the majority of participants are selected by partners of this project composed of 20 bars and law schools including CCBE.

Initially, among more than 100 applications, 48 participants from 15 countries were chosen and divided into teams of mixed nationalities. The three preliminary semi-finals took place in Warsaw, Bratislava and Barcelona in spring 2022. The best two teams of each semi-final were invited to the final at the Academy’s headquarters in Trier in October 2022. After a training on EU litigation, the finalists in Trier performed a negotiation exercise and prepared for the moot court that took place at the General Court of the European Union.

The contest was supported by top-level lawyers and judges who served as jurors, sharing their expertise and specialisation with the young lawyers.

The prizes for the winning teams were generously provided by the Friends of ERA and presented by the Chair of the Association, Jettie van Caenegem, during a ceremony in the auditorium of the General Court of the EU in Luxembourg.

First prize of €2000 was awarded to Team 6:
Stella Alessandrini (France)
Vincenzo Maiorano (Italy)
Jan Spierzak (Poland)
Vlad Petru Sulea (Germany)

Second prize of €1000 went to Team 8:
Silvia Buliscakovaá (Slovakia)
Dimitrios Karagiannis (Greece)
Lucie Lavergne (France)
Justine Yansenne (Luxembourg)

Congratulations to the two winning teams!

The next final of the Young European Lawyers Contest 2023 (YELC) will take place from 6 to 8 November in Trier, Germany after 3 semi-finals that will be organized in May-June 2023 in Brussels, Paris and Vilnius. Applicants are encouraged to apply and take part at this renowned contest. For more information, please visit the website here.


The Friends of ERA donate prizes for the Young Lawyers Contest 2021

On 4-5 February 2021 the third edition of the Young Lawyers Contest was hosted on a virtual-reality island instead of face-to-face due to the restrictions of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Over the course of two days, the ten teams of selected young lawyers from 12 countries across the European Union successfully completed several rounds, including written presentations, a negotiation exercise and a moot court.


Professor Vanessa Knapp OBE, Independent Consultant and Visiting Professor at Queen Mary University of London, one of the jury members and an active member of our Friends of ERA association , commented:
“It was so rewarding to be involved with the Young Lawyers’ Contest. The young lawyers got to grips with important topics such as the effect of the pandemic on access to justice in the EU and the extent of MEPs’ immunity in the performance of their duties. They had the chance to practise their presentation and negotiation skills and to deal with virtual interactions with colleagues from other countries. The feedback has been very positive.”


Wendy de Bondt, Assistant Professor of Criminal Law at the University of Ghent, also a jury member, said: “The winning teams deserve praise for the quality of the written reports and their ability to disentangle very complex legal issues with a very clear and comprehensive presentation, both in the written assignment and in the oral first round.”

The prizes for the winning teams were generously donated by the Friends of ERA Association:


  • 1st prize of €2000 was awarded to Team 4:
    Laura Dorneanu, Romania
    Julius Malka, Finland
    Laura Coeckelberghs, Belgium
  • 2nd prize of €1,000 was won by Team 1:
    Robert Brodzik, Poland
    Rosanna Laurikainen-Klami, Finland
    Cindy Svihalek, Slovakia
    Oana Mirela Manu, Romania
  • 3rd prize of €500 went to Team 11:
    Piotr Bartosz Szczepański, Poland
    Andrea Stănică, Romania
    Alina Škiljić, Croatia

Congratulations to all the winning teams and individual competitors!



All participants of the Young Lawyers Contest obtained a certificate of attendance, which also indicates the number of training hours, as well as a free membership for one year of the Friends of ERA Association, which brings a number of benefits. The winning teams have also received a voucher for an ERA event of their choice, to be redeemed before the end of 2021.

This contest was the third edition of the Young Lawyers Contest and has been organised in partnership with the Warsaw Bar Association and with the support of the CCBE. The project is co-financed by the Justice Programme of the EU 2014-2020.


For more information see the dedicated website: