About the Young Friends of ERA

Image: Elisa Zecchini
Elisa Zecchini

The Young Friends of ERA is a network open to legal professionals under the age of 35 or within 5 years of qualification with an interest in EU law who want to stay in touch with the Academy of European Law and to support our work. The network aims to keep alive the connections you made at ERA and to give you the chance to make new ones with other young professionals interested in European law across the continent. Although most have already participated in ERA events, received a scholarship or completed an internship at the Academy, this is not a precondition to joining the network. Young Friends of ERA is open to all young professionals interested in EU law!

The Young Friends of ERA will be primarily a virtual network, with online meetings and a group on LinkedIn. A face-to-face meeting might be organised once per year in the framework of a major ERA event.

HOW to become a member?

The annual individual membership fee for Friends of ERA is €75, but we understand that practitioners at the beginning of their careers may have limited financial resources. As we want to welcome all professionals at all stages of their career and irrespective of income, each applicant can choose the amount according to their capability: from a minimum of €30/year to the usual fee of €75/year.

WHY become a member?

The Young Friends of ERA network will enjoy the same benefits and opportunities available to the members of the Friends of ERA Association. This network will also offer:

  • a virtual presence through a dedicated LinkedIn group
  • an annual face-to-face meeting in the context of ERA’s events and conferences
  • online panel discussions in consultation with ERA;
  • the chance to co-organise events at national level together with Friends of ERA National Chapters to facilitate networking with more senior legal practitioners.

Join our Young Friends of ERA LinkedIn Group